Presentation Skills Training in Mumbai & Delhi

Challenges of presentation 

A snap survey was conducted online during November 2010, 
exclusively to study the various challenges faced by the 
corporate professionals, while making presentations. Following 
challenges emerged cutting across the nation. 

From the speakers perspective 
1. Stage fear 
2. fluency and communication skills 
3. self confidence 
4. structuring the presentation. 

From the audience perspective 
1. Not connecting to the needs of the audience 
2. Reading the PowerPoint slides 
3. Lack of clarity in the presentation 
4. Not confining to time Schedule - either too short or too long 
5. Bad preparation of PowerPoint slides. 
Your presentation should be 
Clear (ideas) 
Unambiguous (appropriate words) 
Focussed towards audience 
(delivery to create desired impact)

 For Registration or enquiry of any of our programs, call Sachin on 9820850475